Tables and how they work - Viewing, Filtering, and more

In Infoplus Commerce, columns, filters, tables, and smart filters are essential components that enable users to organize, view, and analyze data related to their warehouse.

  1. Columns:
  • Columns are the individual data fields or attributes associated with your inventory, orders, and other data within Infoplus Commerce. These columns display specific information about your products, customers, orders, and more.
  • Users can customize the columns displayed in various tables and reports to focus on the data that is most relevant to their needs. Customizing columns is done on a user level and allows you to see the information that matters most to your day to day needs.
  1. Filters:
  • Filters are used to narrow down the data displayed in tables and reports by specifying criteria that must be met. They help you sort and search for specific information within your data.
  • There are multiple advanced options for each filter depending in the data type that is being filtered.
  1. Tables:
  • Tables are visual representations of your data in tabular form. They are commonly used to display lists of items, orders, or other records.
  • Users can customize the columns and apply filters to tables to tailor the view of their data to their specific requirements. Tables can be used for tasks like managing inventory, processing orders, and tracking shipments.
  1. Smart Filters:
  • Smart Filters are designed to help users quickly narrow down their data without having to manually input specific filter criteria every time they run a report or view a table. This feature can save time and make data analysis more efficient. Any filter view you create can be saved as a Smart Filter.

In summary, Infoplus Commerce’s columns, filters, tables, and smart filters are tools that enable users to efficiently manage and analyze data within the platform. They provide customization options, data organization, and advanced filtering capabilities to help businesses make informed decisions, optimize warehouse operations, and improve order management processes.

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